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  <h1><b><center>Get Wedded with Precious Memories</center></b></h1>
  <p><center>Celebrate your forever Memories, with a brand new guide from industry experts Wedded Wonderland.</center></p>

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        <img class="bd-placeholder-img rounded-circle" width="140" height="140" src="amaan.jpg">

        <h2 class="fw-normal">Amaan Ahmad</h2>
        <p>Director and Manager</p>
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        <img class="bd-placeholder-img rounded-circle" width="140" height="140" src="rafi.png">
        <h2 class="fw-normal">Rafique Ansari</h2>
        <p>Event Manager and Organizer</p>
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        <img class="bd-placeholder-img rounded-circle" width="140" height="140" src="priya.jpg">
        <h2 class="fw-normal">Priya Kumari</h2>
        <p> Founder and Planner</p>
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        <h2 class="featurette-heading fw-normal lh-1">About us <span class="text-body-secondary"></span></h2>
        <p class="lead">Precious Memories is a trusted wedding vendor directory that helps engaged couples search, compare and find the perfect local wedding professionals for their wedding. With all the planning tools, wedding services, inspiration and community one could dream of, wedding planning is easy and every part of the journey can be enjoyed.</p>
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        <h2 class="featurette-heading fw-normal lh-1">Local wedding vendor directory<span class="text-body-secondary"></span></h2>
        <p class="lead">Our comprehensive directory of wedding professionals, from venues to photographers, features millions of consumer reviews, detailed pricing and availability information, payments and more.</p>
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<p><center>Our comprehensive directory of wedding professionals, from venues to photographers, features thousands of reviews from real couples.</center></p>

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            <img src="" width="110"> <span>2,00,00,000</span> Unique users </div><br>
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            <span>70,00,000</span> Reviews                </div><br>
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            <img src="" width="110"> <span>4,00,00,000</span> Weddings </div><br>
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            <img src="" width="110"> <span>7,00,000</span> Advertised businesses  </div><br>
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            <img src="" width="110"> <span>1,700</span> Employees </div><br>
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            <img src="" width="110"> <span>15</span> Markets    </div><br>

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            <p><i class="fas fa-phone me-3"></i> + 01 234 567 88</p>
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